CFA Singapore will be hosting the “Multi-Asset Workshop for Practitioners” from Tuesday 29 March 2016 to Thursday 31 March 2016. The program is approved for listing on the Financial Training Scheme and is eligible for support subject to meeting eligibility criteria.

Topics include the typical steps taken by a multi-asset portfolio manager in each investment cycle:

1. Define a medium term market scenario based your economics research team’s projections;

2. Calculate and verify that asset growth will be sufficient to meet liabilities and/or investment objective; (Note: professional investors may be required to do so at statistical confidence interval as high as 99.93%, depending on the jurisdiction)

3. Determine which asset or asset class can meet the return requirement, require divestments, or require additional investments, under the projected market scenario;

4.Use asset selection tools to find the most promising assets in a recovering market, when there is a need to increase an entire asset allocation bucket;

5. Combine the medium term market scenario with low-probability “black swans” scenarios, and rebalance portfolios weights so that your portfolio stands a better chance of weathering global market storms, such as those seen in 2015;

6. Model and include higher-alpha illiquid investments in a multi-asset, multi-frequency portfolio; and

7. Monitor and adjust temporary market exposures with factor analysis and hedging tools until the portfolio reaches its next rebalancing cycle, and provide the required documentations under the new regulations.