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CAREERtracks Highlight

By |February 13th, 2013|Categories: Uncategorized|

HedgeSPA’s management team was featured in the 2013 issue of Nanyang Technological University CAO’s CAREERtracks publication. In an article entitled ‘Finance on the Cutting Edge at HedgeSPA’, [...]

Regulatory Responses

By |February 5th, 2013|Categories: Features|

On Tuesday February  5, HedgeSPA CEO Bernard Lee was a special guest of Teymoor Nabili in the 8PM Business Central segment on Channel News Asia, discussing the [...]

Singapore Demographics

By |January 14th, 2013|Categories: Features|

Dr. Bernard Lee, HedgeSPA founder and CEO, appeared on the Channel News Asia program ‘On The Red Dot’ speaking about the effects of the island’s rising cost of [...]

Comment on Crowd Funding

By |January 8th, 2013|Categories: Features|

HedgeSPA CEO Bernard Lee appeared on a Channel News Asia segment about Crowd Funding of startups, commenting on the difficulties and limitations of crowd-funding in Singapore. Channel [...]

Singapore Cost of Living

By |December 5th, 2012|Categories: Uncategorized|

HedgeSPA CEO Dr. Bernard Lee appeared on a Channel 5 episode discussing the increasing cost of living in Singapore. According to Dr. Lee: “One major issue with [...]